Our Stand Up Poetry (SUP) community open mics make spoken word poetry relevant and accessible by providing a public platform for emerging spoken word poets.
These events are held monthly and rotate between various community locations on the North Shore and in South Auckland. For the latest information on these and other events check out our calendar.
Spoken Word gives people the opportunity to share their stories, views and words in front of an audience. It provides a base for reflection, and offers a positive space for improved confidence and engagement.
SUP open mic nights encourage the sharing of stories from all backgrounds, enhancing community and increasing collaboration. The set up cultivates a culture of using your voice to be an active participant in your community, and transforms the culture of storytelling into something that is relevant to younger generations. These events are always held in spaces that are open to all ages and we welcome poets from every age and stage. For students interested in participating in WORD - The Front Line, these stages are excellent practice for performing poetry in front of an audience.
Action Education also has close links with the JAFA Poetry Slam, which takes place on the 4th Wednesday of every month.
Action Education also has close links with the JAFA Poetry Slam, which takes place on the 4th Wednesday of every month.